noise porcupines

a subsidiary of, inc

Susana Gardner

Dafna Ganani


Billy Bob Beamer

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ENE afell my beforld before asl"


Immediately after resurrecting this blog/journal, I was offered a stint as the editor for Truck during the month of December.  As such it's transferred my current activity from here to there - check it out to see what types of work I'm interested in and as a sign of what's to come:

the resurrection

after the sniping of the domain by domain parkers, the main web-based coupremine activity will relocate here

check out the blog history, the about and the mag archive to get a clue what's up, though you might find it moving somewhat more into the realm of hack protocols, theoretical investigations, robot fashion systems and interactive glitter going into the future

saimon chow


388. "My powers have been alienated from me."

400. The storm which does not respect .......

402-410. The storm which knows no mother, the storm which knows no father, the storm which knows no wife, the storm which knows no child, the storm which knows no sister, the storm which knows no brother, the storm which knows no neighbour, the storm which knows no female companion, the storm which caused the wife to be abandoned, which caused the child to be abandoned, the storm which caused the light in the Land to disappear

136-143. "On that day, when such a storm had pounded, when in the presence of the queen her city had been destroyed, on that day, when such a storm had been created, when they had pronounced the utter destruction of my city, when they had pronounced the utter destruction ofUrim, when they had directed that its people be killed

1-8. He has abandoned his cow-pen and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. The wild bull has abandoned his cow-pen and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. The lord of all the lands has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. Enlil has abandoned the shrineNibru and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. His wife Ninlil has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. Ninlil has abandoned that house, the Ki-ur, and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. The queen of Kec has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. Ninmah has abandoned that house Kec and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.